
news/2024/7/16 8:19:30


视频 (Video)

Server automation now plays an essential role in systems administration, due to the disposable nature of modern application environments. Configuration management tools such as Ansible are typically used to streamline the process of automating server setup by establishing standard procedures for new servers while also reducing human error associated with manual setups.

由于现代应用程序环境具有可处理性,因此服务器自动化现在在系统管理中起着至关重要的作用。 配置管理工具(例如Ansible)通常用于通过为新服务器建立标准过程来简化服务器设置自动化的过程,同时还减少了与手动设置相关的人为错误。

In this Tech Talk, you’ll learn how to create and execute Ansible playbooks to automate your server infrastructure setup. We’ll see some of the most important Ansible features and how to leverage them to create clean and flexible automation for your servers.

在本技术讲座中,您将学习如何创建和执行Ansible剧本以自动化服务器基础结构设置。 我们将看到一些最重要的Ansible功能,以及如何利用它们为服务器创建干净灵活的自动化。

关于主持人 (About the Presenter)

Erika Heidi is a software engineer and DevOps turned writer, passionate about producing and presenting technical content for a variety of audiences. As a long-term Linux adopter and open source enthusiast, Erika is focused on lowering the barrier of entrance to the technologies empowering modern web application ecosystems today. Erika is a senior technical writer at the DigitalOcean Community.

Erika Heidi是一名软件工程师,DevOps是作家,他热衷于为各种受众制作和展示技术内容。 作为Linux的长期采用者和开放源代码爱好者,Erika致力于降低当今为现代Web应用程序生态系统提供支持的技术的进入门槛。 Erika是DigitalOcean社区的高级技术作家。

资源资源 (Resources)

This presentation is part of a workshop kit that provides a set of resources for a speaker to host an event and deliver an introductory talk on Ansible. The following resources are included:

此演示文稿是研讨会工具包的一部分,该工具包为演讲者提供了一组资源来主持活动并就Ansible进行介绍性演讲。 包括以下资源:

  • Slides and speaker notes including short demo videos and commands for running an optional live demo. This talk runs for roughly 50 minutes.

    幻灯片和演讲者备注,包括简短的演示视频和用于运行可选现场演示的命令。 这场演讲进行了大约50分钟。

  • A GitHub repository containing the demo app code and the necessary Ansible scripts to deploy that application to an Ubuntu server.

    包含演示应用程序代码和必要的Ansible脚本的GitHub存储库 ,用于将该应用程序部署到Ubuntu服务器。

  • A detailed tutorial, which walks a user through rolling out the Travellist demo Laravel application on a remote server.

    详细的教程 ,向用户介绍在远程服务器上推出Travellist演示Laravel应用程序的过程。

翻译自: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tech_talks/automating-the-complexity-out-of-server-setup-with-ansible





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